

Résistance élastique Le Box Du Fitness



We asked top trainers to create a toning workout with a resistance band

You will be able to get slim without an expensive gym membership.

Bicep Curl with Resistance Band

Goal: biceps

  • Stand with your right foot in the middle of the band, holding one end of the band and a dumbbell in each hand ( wrap the ends of the band around the dumbbells and place your palms on top).
  • Keeping your elbows at your sides, turn your palms forward and curl both hands up to your shoulders.
  • Do 10 repetitions.
  • Then wrap one hand at a time, alternating sides.
  • Do 10 squats on each side.
  • Repeat the combo.


Pull down

Targets: Back, arms, abs, obliques and hips

  • Standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, hold one end of the band in each hand, arms at your sides.
  • Raise your arms overhead, pulling on the band, and point your right toes out to the side.
  • Keeping the left arm still, engage the obliques, pull the right elbow to the side and lift the right knee to meet it.
  • Extend your right arm and leg without touching your toes to the floor. Do 10 repetitions. Switch sides; repeat.


Tube walk

Targets: Abdominals, glutes and outer thighs

  • Stand in the middle of the band with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding one end of the band in each hand.
  • Cross the band in front of the body (making an X) with the right hand near the right hip, the left hand near the left hip.
  • Keeping your back straight, feet parallel and knees straight, take a small step to the right with your right foot. Step your left foot to the right, placing your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Take 10 steps to the right.
  • Change direction
  • Repeat.


Resistant band in Squat mode

Targets: Abs, glutes and quads

  • Standing in the middle of the band with your feet hip-width apart, hold one end of the band and a dumbbell in each hand (wrap the ends of the band around the dumbbells and place your palms on top), arms at your sides.
  • Squat down, keeping your knees behind your toes, and lean forward slightly from the hips.
  • Stand up, pulling the band with you.
  • Do 15 repetitions.


Targets: Arms, abs, glutes and outer thighs

  • Stand in the middle of the band with your feet hip-width apart, holding one end of the band in each hand, elbows bent at your sides, hands in front of your stomach.
  • Take a step forward with your left leg, then raise your right leg a few inches, pushing it out to the side.
  • Step your right foot forward a few inches, then lift your left leg a few inches to the side. Alternate for 8 steps.
  • Then, step out with your left leg, then your right, to swing from side to side, like a pendulum.
  • Do 8 reps.


A Quick Resistance Band Workout to Get in Shape

Tone and firm your arms, abs, butt, legs – everything – in just 15 minutes.

Circle Crunch

What you need: A resistance band

Targets: Abdominals and outer thighs

  • Tie the band into a loop and wrap it around the thighs, just above the knees.
  • Lie on the floor, face down, with your hands behind your head, elbows out, legs raised and knees bent 90 degrees.
  • Do crunches, then circle counterclockwise while pressing your thighs outward against the band.
  • Do 10 circles, without bending down.
  • Return to the starting point
  • Change direction and repeat.

Bow and arrow traction

Targets: Back, arms, abs and legs

  • Standing with feet together, hold one end of the looped band in each hand.
  • Extend your arms out in front of you at shoulder level, palms facing each other.
  • Lunge backward with your right leg, bending both knees 90 degrees, and, keeping your left arm straight, bring your right elbow behind you so that the band is taut and your upper body rotates to the right.
  • Return to the starting point.
  • Change sides
  • Repeat to complete 1 rep
  • Do 10 reps.


Targets: Abs, obliques, hips, glutes and legs

  • Wrap a looped band around your calves. Stand with your left leg in front of your right.
  • Clasp your hands together and extend your arms above your head.
  • Squat down slightly while bringing your arms down and across your body to the side of your right hip, rotating your upper body to the right.


Loop lift

Targets: Shoulders, abs, glutes and legs

  • Loop a band around your calves. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your right hand on your hip.
  • Squat down, keeping your knees behind your toes, and touch the floor with the fingertips of your left hand next to your left foot.

Back zip

Targets: Shoulders, back, arms, abs and glutes

  • Wrap a looped band around your wrists. Stand with your legs and heels together, feet pointed out to the sides at a 45-degree angle.
  • Extend your arms out in front of you at shoulder level, elbows slightly bent to the sides.
  • Squeeze your glutes as you push your arms out to the sides, stretching the band as far as possible while keeping your shoulders down.
  • Hold the position for one count.
  • Return to the starting point.
  • Do 15 repetitions.


10 Exercises That Will Get You in the Mood for 50 Shades of Grey

The 50 Shades of Grey movie is officially here (well, almost) and there's one thing we know for sure:

All the steamy trailers have us in the mood for some... bondage.

Elastic Teaser

Because every workout, in and out of the bedroom, should start with a little teasing.

Targets abs, shoulders and back

  • Lie flat on the floor with a resistance band wrapped around your feet. Hold each side of the band, making sure there is tension.
  • Pull the band up into a seated V position. Hold the V position for 3-5 counts.
  • Lower back down to the starting position, keeping your feet off the floor and your core engaged.
  • Do 12 to 15 repetitions.


Standing posture

When you need to show them who's boss, stand your ground with a little attitude. Works every time.

Targets abs, glutes, inner thighs and outer thighs.

  • Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes turned slightly outward, tie the ends of the band to form a small loop.
  • Place the knotted band around your calves, then place your hands on your hips.
  • With a slight bend in your knees, lift your right leg in front of you about 12 inches off the floor, with your toes pointing outward, to tighten the band.
  • Raise and lower your right leg a few inches for 20 repetitions.
  • Bring your right leg behind you, pointing your toes, and move up and down a few inches for 20 repetitions.
  • Switch legs and repeat.
  • Do 2 sets.



To practice crawling towards him in bed, perhaps?

Targets shoulders, abs, obliques, glutes and legs.

  • Secure one end of the band to a pole and hold the other end in your right hand; start by getting on the floor in a plank position, facing the pole, with the band handle in your right hand (step forward if the band is loose; the band should be alongside your body).
  • Push your hips diagonally back to the left, bending your knees (as if you were sitting side-saddle).
  • Return to plank, then raise your right arm straight forward to shoulder level; lower your arm back to plank and repeat the sequence.
  • Do 10 reps, switch sides (hold band in left hand, bring hips to right) and repeat.
  • Do 3 sets.


Crouching Tiger

For those moments when you're ready to pounce on your, um, prey.

Targets abs, arms, back and quads.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart in the center of the tube, cross it once or twice in front of you, then grab a handle in each hand, arms at your sides.
  • Squat down and walk your hands forward until you are in a full push-up position, arms extended with palms directly under your shoulders, legs directly behind you so that you form a straight line from head to heels. (Grip the handles lightly with your thumbs so that your palms can rest flat on the floor.)
  • Keeping your palms planted and abs tight throughout the exercise, push your hips back toward your heels, bending your knees so they are just above the floor.
  • Straighten your legs to return to the full push-up position and complete the rep.
  • Do 16 reps.


Resist the push

This move will prepare you for a little (consensual) push.

Targets chest, triceps and abs.

  • Begin on the floor in a push-up position (balancing on your hands and toes, body forming a straight line) with one end of the band under each hand, with the band wrapped behind your mid-back.
  • Bend your elbows to lower yourself, then raise yourself back up to the start.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Simplified fitness session: do a modified push-up, on your knees.


Double butterfly

Let's say this one is about spreading your wings. For experimental purposes, of course.

Targets shoulders, arms, chest, buttocks and legs.

  • Undo the looped strip and reattach the ends to form a smaller loop.
  • Standing with feet together and knees slightly bent, place the band around your ankles.
  • Wrap the second band around your upper back, elbows bent at your ribs, fists holding the ends in front of your chest, palms facing up.
  • Take a big step outward with your right foot and extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder level, palms down.
  • Return to the starting point by lowering the bent elbows to the sides.
  • Do 3 sets of 8 reps.
  • Change sides
  • Repeat.


Power play

It's nice to alternate who's on top (in more ways than one), but this move proves that you're truly in charge.

Targets biceps, triceps, hips, glutes and quads.

  • Standing with feet shoulder width apart, hold the resistance ring vertically in front of your torso with both hands, right hand in front of your chest with palm facing up, left hand at waist level with palm facing down.
  • Squat down, curling your right hand toward your chin and pressing your left hand toward the floor.
  • Slowly return to the starting point.
  • Continue for 1 minute
  • Switch sides and repeat.



Ready to fly into bed?

Targets shoulders, back, abs and legs.

  • Place the center of the band under the Bosu, then stand with your feet shoulder-width apart on top of the ball.
  • Hold one handle of the band with both hands so that the palms are between the legs, facing backwards.
  • Bending your knees slightly, lean forward from the hips so that your torso is almost parallel to the floor;
  • Maintain the bent position and raise your arms above your head in line with your torso.
  • Slowly lower your arms and repeat for 20 seconds (10 to 15 reps).

Back zip

As you work on that final move, remind yourself how sexy you'll look when he slowly zips up (or down) the back of your dress.

Targets shoulders, back, arms, abs and glutes.

  • Wrap a looped band around your wrists.
  • Stand with your legs and heels together, feet pointed out to the sides at a 45-degree angle.
  • Extend your arms out in front of you at shoulder level, with your elbows slightly bent at your sides.
  • Squeeze your glutes as you push your arms out to the sides, stretching the band as far as possible while keeping your shoulders down.
  • Hold the position for one count.
  • Return to the starting point.
  • Do 15 repetitions.


Marriage Proposal Curl

For the relationship that leads to a marriage proposal.

Targets biceps, glutes and legs.

  • Holding one end of the band in each hand, arms at your sides and palms facing forward, stand with your right foot in the center of the band
  • Place your left toes on the floor slightly behind you.
  • Bend your left leg back while curling your hands toward your shoulders, keeping your elbows at your sides.
  • Return to the starting point.
  • Do 10 repetitions
  • Change legs and
  • Repeat.
  • Do 3 sets.

The Ultimate Fat-Fighting Workout

Resistance bands increase the number of calories burned and the sculpting power of Cardio Boxing .

Jab Cross

What you need: Two resistance bands

Targets back, arms, abs, obliques and legs.

  • Tie the ends of a resistance band together to form a loop.
  • Standing with your feet hip-width apart, place the band around your ankles.
  • Step back with your right leg until you feel the resistance of the band, knees slightly bent.
  • Wrap the second band around your upper back and grasp the ends with your fists (wrap the band around your fists to take up the slack).
  • Bend your elbows at your ribs; bring your fists to your chin.
  • Punch forward with your left arm, palm down, then bring your arm back to the start.
  • Pivot to the left on the toes of the right foot as you strike the right arm forward, slightly to the left, palm down.
  • Return to the starting point.
  • Do 3 sets of 8 reps.
  • Change sides
  • Repeat.


Torsion Uppercut

Targets back, shoulders, arms, abs, obliques and legs.

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, a band looped around your ankles
  • Wrap a second band around your upper back, elbows bent at your ribs, fists holding the ends of the band in front of your chin.
  • Pivot on your right foot to the left and crouch slightly as you uppercut with your right arm, bringing your fist close to your ribs and then sending it diagonally to the left.
  • Return to the starting point and repeat the uppercut with the left arm, pivoting on the left foot to the right.
  • Do 3 sets of 8 reps, alternating sides.


Powerful kick

Targets buttocks and legs

  • Standing, wrap the band twice around your right ankle, then place your left foot through the loop.
  • Wrap the second band around your upper back, elbows bent at your ribs, fists at the ends.
  • Lower yourself into a squat position.
  • As you rise on your left leg, kick your right leg forward a few inches off the ground.

Powerful Kick, Step 2

  •  Bring your right knee toward your chest, then hinge forward at your hips and extend your right leg behind you, foot flexed.
  • Return to the starting point.
  • Do 3 sets of 8 reps.
  • Switch sides, wrap the band in a loop twice around the left ankle
  • Repeat.


Double butterfly

Targets shoulders, arms, chest, buttocks and legs.

  • Undo the looped strip and reattach the ends to form a smaller loop.
  • Standing with feet together and knees slightly bent, place the band around your ankles.
  • Wrap the second band around your upper back, elbows bent at your ribs, fists holding the ends in front of your chest, palms facing up.


Double butterfly step 2

  • Take a big step outward with your right foot and extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder level, palms down.
  • Return to the starting point by lowering the bent elbows to the sides. Do 3 sets of 8 repetitions.
  • Change sides
  • Repeat.


Crunch and punch

  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent, heels on the floor, and wrap the band around your upper back, elbows bent at your ribs, fists holding the ends of the band in front of your chest.
  • Tilt your torso 45 degrees and, maintaining the position throughout the exercise, punch with your left arm to the outside of your right knee, palm down.
  • Bring the left arm in and quickly strike the right arm to the outside of the left knee.
  • Do 3 sets of 8 reps, alternating sides.


If you liked this article and it helped you master the concept of a firm and shapely buttocks. Let me know in the comments if you were already aware of these concepts and what is your experience on the subject.

If you want to find other Fitness and Wellness articles, take a look at the glute exercises and fitness shop sections of the blog, you will find plenty of workouts and exercises to do at home. And if you want to know more about sports nutrition (food supplements) to gain muscle or lose fat, do not hesitate to consult the collection dedicated to fitness elastics .

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1 comment

  • Céline C.

    Merci pour votre article je vais vous prendre un jeu d’élastique de musculation. Je suis fa de vos exercices fessiers et vos produits sont sympas. Je m’inscris à votre club VIP j’attends vos nouveau articles avec impatience merci encore

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