Summary of your article on the benefits of jumping rope:
- Do you know what ropeless jump rope training is?
- Let's take a closer look at jump rope training.
- You might think you can lose weight just by jumping normally?
- Top 5 Benefits of Ropeless Jumping Rope
- Why not try “ R-JUMP™ ” which you can do easily without taking up space?
- How do I position myself and practice jumping rope without a rope?
- Jump for at least 20 minutes each time to achieve the best weight loss effect.
- It's easy to jump rope in your home, but how many calories can you burn?
- How many calories can you burn jumping rope .
1. Do you know what ropeless jump rope workout is?
Aerial jump rope like the handles with or without jump rope " R-JUMP™ " is a movement that is similar to jumping rope . Jumping is a high impact movement, so by jumping you can get a cardio effect, or another of the benefits of jumping rope and the fat burning effect.
2. Let's take a closer look at jump rope training.
How to jump rope?
Jumping rope is "aerial", so you don't need any special additional equipment. It is very easy to do jump rope or ropeless jumps .
All you have to do is jump in rhythm as if you were jumping on a regular jump rope . So even if you are not good at jumping rope , you don't have to worry about getting tangled in the jump rope or breaking and hurting those around you.
3. You might think you can lose weight just by jumping normally?
Jumping rope and calories are opposites.
Jump rope exercise consists of jumping in a rhythmic way. Besides, you could listen to jump rope music like " jump rope heh heh " it personally helps me a lot to make time pass faster and jumping rope while singing can impact your mood in a significant way.
Jumping rope without a rope allows you to move much more than jumping with your body weight without any jump rope , and since there is also the movement of the arms, shoulders and trapezius muscles that make the rotations of the rope, you can exercise the whole body intensively.
Example of possible movements by blocking the balls with the handle in each hand:
- Jumping Jacks
- Jumping-Jacks front + alternate punch
- Half Jacks
- Pumps
- Shaolin sheathing etc.
Additionally, you can exercise for longer because you don't jump as high as with a regular jump rope .
Click here if you want to know everything about our relaxation and massage articles in the fitness well-being collection to have optimal recovery for your next workout.
The more you can move, the more energy you use, so the impact on your diet really increases.
4. Top 5 Benefits of Ropeless Jumping Rope
#1. You can jump rope without a rope any time of day, rain or shine.
#2. You can practice in your own personal space even if it is small or restricted.
#3. The time and number of times can be set by yourself on the skipping rope , so you can exercise according to your physical condition of the day.
How to stay motivated to jump rope before and after?
#4. The overall performance of the training session can be seen on the screen.
#5. Finally, you can share exceptional moments with your family because ropeless skipping can be done by both children and seniors. So bring your parents and children to skip rope in the forest without risking damaging the rope itself and having fun together with a rope skipping challenge or a HIIT rope skipping .
5. Why not try “ R-JUMP™ ” which you can do easily without taking up space?
Some people find that the jump rope with the digital display is quite annoying for the battery. The " R-JUMP™ " jump rope automatically turns off after 4 minutes of inactivity. This helps to preserve your battery considerably.
In addition, it comes with 2 flat batteries to make the most of the new jump rope exercise , the “Air Jump”
It may be a good idea to use handle weights ranging from 200g to 1kg to intensify your jump rope workout .
Here is a review from a customer of the Boutique Le Box Du Fitness and the reason why he chose the R-JUMP™ jump rope with or without rope.
" I had the beginnings of a stone in my kidney that was slowly starting to descend, but it did not leave my body. A doctor told me that some people can get rid of it by jumping rope, however, since I am a beginner at jumping rope for me it allowed me to better understand the exercise of jumping rope every day. " Pascale G. Verified Buyer
6. How do I position myself and practice jumping rope without a rope?
- Place your hands next to your body, elbows slightly bent, as if you were holding a classic jump rope .
- Jump with R-JUMP™ by moving both hands as if you were jumping rope.
- When you jump, try to jump rope while keeping the same rhythm.
- Please keep your abs and lower back tight, that is to say contracted while growing upwards as if the doctor were taking your size (height) during the consultation.
Feel free to read our article on full body fitness toning and mainly Tone your entire body in half an hour , the goal being to feel more toned in a short time.
Here is a way to jump, just like with a regular jump rope .
You can try jumping with both feet together or with one foot at a time especially if you have ankle pain.
It's tempting to count the number of times you jump, but it's better to jump by time rather than the number of jumps you do on the jump rope .
7. Jump for at least 20 minutes each time to achieve the best weight loss effect.
Ideally, you should do jump rope for more than 20 minutes for an effective fat burning effect, but you will be tired even after 5 minutes when you start because the jump rope movement is a high impact exercise .
So when you start you can make the total length of the day 20 minutes instead of 20 minutes continuously.
Example :
- Day 1 = 5x 1 minute 4 times a day
- Day 2 = 4x1 minute 30 + 2 minutes in the last series 5 times during the day
- Day 3 = 5x2 minutes 2 times a day then repeat Day 1 then Day 2 etc.
As you get used to jumping normally, you can increase the intensity.
You don't need to jump high when you jump rope normally because you don't have a rope.
On the other hand, if you jump with your knees to your chest like knee lifts or if you jump like a double jump like with crossfit jump ropes .
You'll use your arm muscles more, jump more often, and burn more calories at the same time.
What are the different styles of rope jumping to adopt?
You can have fun doing it and keep going, so it's good to find a jumping style that you enjoy and boost yourself with a jump rope challenge or jump rope program .
8. It's easy to jump rope in your home, but how many calories can you burn?
The length of the jump rope is 3 meters from end to end. The synergy of jumping rope allows you to spend 8 times more calories than at rest or during your usual activities and exercises thanks to your stimulated basic metabolism and becomes a factory for burning visceral and superficial fat .
Is there a real benefit of jumping rope on my mood and daily energy?
This jump rope exercise is about the same intensity as running or climbing. So this means that jumping rope is an exercise that makes you feel well toned and mentally alert.
9. How many calories can you burn jumping rope.
If a person weighs 60 kg and jumps rope for 15 minutes continuously, he can burn about 250 kcal.
That's the same amount of calories you burn when you walk for 30 minutes.
Regardless of your pace, speed and current fitness level, jumping rope for 15 minutes is equivalent to 45 minutes of jogging or 3 sets of tennis at a normal level.
10 minutes of jumping rope is equivalent to 60 minutes of brisk walking.
100 jump rope workouts burn 8 times more calories, so it's a great idea to use the jump rope to lose weight .
Jumping rope is a full-body exercise, the movement is simple, and the calorie burn is higher than other exercises.
Additionally, leg muscles such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, soleus, sartorius and now the adductors/abductors are also used in increased amounts when jumping rope the abs, lower back, shoulders, arms and grip which increases overall muscle mass and increases basal metabolic rate resulting in a leaner and more athletic body.
Learning aerial jump rope is recommended for losing weight because it has two effects: it burns fat and increases muscle mass .
Did you like this article and discover the benefits of skipping rope? Let me know in the comments if you were already aware of these concepts and what your experience is on the subject.
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