Get ready to burn some serious calories and sweat!
If you're looking for a fun, fast and intense workout that combines strength and cardio.
This HIIT boot camp workout is just what you need. Get ready for an explosive high-intensity interval training routine that combines strength-training exercises with intense cardio to incinerate fat, build power, and sculpt lean muscle from head to toe.
Skyrocket your weight loss potential and work multiple muscles simultaneously with this program:
- 5 sets of a strength training movement (1 minute)
- Followed by 2 cardio moves (30 seconds each) to deliver maximum burn in just 10 minutes.
- Strengthen your core, burn unwanted calories and tone your arms, shoulders, chest, back, legs, glutes, abs and obliques.
- Grab a set of dumbbells and get started.
STRENGTH: Combat Squat (with push-up option)
CARDIO: Tap Downs + High Knees
STRENGTH: Left side lunge with combat front lunge
CARDIO: Bust 'em Ups (right and left)
STRENGTH: Right side lunge with forward lunge with punches
CARDIO: Dynamo Lunges + Speed Skates
FORCE: Iron Man
CARDIO: Leg curls + Moving toe taps
STRENGTH: Squat thrusts
CARDIO: Down & Directed
Try this 10-minute kettlebell workout for a total-body burn.
Think of this program as the ultimate fat-burning routine to get you going on your day.
Kettlebells are undoubtedly one of the most effective tools for breaking any fitness plateau.
The exercises you can do with them are often dynamic, are almost always total-body compound movements, and they get your heart rate skyrocketing while building power, increasing strength, and burning a significant number of calories.
One study found that the average person can burn 400 calories in just 20 minutes using a kettle – that's a staggering 20 calories per minute!
It is for all these reasons that you need this kettlebell workout in your regular routine.
In just 10 minutes, you'll work every major muscle group and skyrocket your metabolism.
This complete workout uses traditional kettlebell movements, plus creative compound exercises, to tone your arms, sculpt your legs, tone your core, and build strength.
You'll rotate each move in a circuit to maximize calorie burn and take full advantage of the benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
If you want to sweat more, repeat this workout 1-2 times for a 20-30 minute routine.
If you don't have a kettlebell, don't worry, you can still do each exercise with just one dumbbell.
If you need a break from your circuit workouts, these classic strength training moves can still get you results.
Improve your endurance while focusing on core strengthening movements.
Workout Details : You will need an exercise mat, a set of light dumbbells, and sliders or paper plates for this class.
- Perform each move for 30 seconds and repeat the workout three times in total for best results.
- Start with a warm-up with core activation, tables, pushes and pulls, and a tabletop back opener.
- Start the workout with reverse crunches, toe kicks, scissor kicks, and alternating toe kicks.
- Do a double crunch, spikes, "Rockette" moves, and a weighted variation of the Superman pose.
- Finish with a T-stabilization and an alternating side plank.
- Repeat the sequence two more times.
Workout to lose 5kg in 30 days
These exercises will burn fat, tone muscles and boost your metabolism. This complete makeover will help you lose weight in just one month!
Full body exercises
Our "5kg in 30 days" program makes weight loss super simple:
- Do the head-to-toe toning exercises twice a week.
- Aim for three weekly cardio sessions to melt fat.
- Follow our easy diet, with treats included. Ready, set, go...
The method:
Do these twelve toning exercises twice a week to firm up all over. "Each total-body exercise sculpts muscle fibers you've probably never reached before," explains Julie, a sports coach who designed this incredibly effective session exclusively for LE BOX DU FITNESS.
Perform the workout as a mixed circuit of your choice. Choose one exercise for each body part until you have completed a set of all 12 exercises - in any order you like!
What you will need:
- A pair of dumbbells from 1.5 to 4 kg
- a floor mat
Leg slimming
The following series of exercises targets the quads, hamstrings, hips, glutes, calves - plus the firm abs, triceps, biceps and shoulders.
How does it work?
Get the most out of these lunge moves by mastering the basics: Standing, take a big step forward with your left foot and bend your left knee 90 degrees so that it's in line with your left ankle and your right knee is bent 90 degrees toward the floor.
Simplify the exercise:
Perform a lunge by stepping backward rather than forward – this makes the movement easier on the joints.
Make the exercise more complex:
After each repetition, quickly bring the back knee towards the chest, then return the foot to the floor.
Leg Slimming Exercise: Arabesque
- Holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides, bend your left leg forward and hold for one count.
- Straighten your left leg while lifting your right leg behind you to stand, then lean your torso forward and raise your left arm straight diagonally. (Beginners can keep their right toes on the floor.)
- Lower your arms and legs, then repeat the lifts.
- Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
Leg Slimming Exercise: The Salute
- Holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides, bend your left leg forward.
- To begin, bend your left arm to bring your elbow forward at nose level.
- While keeping the upper arm stable, raise the left hand diagonally to straighten the arm at the same time as the legs.
- Bend your arm and knees to return to the starting point.
- Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
Leg Slimming Exercise: Static Kick-Back Lunge
- Holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides, bend your left leg forward.
- Place the left arm on the left thigh and bend the right elbow back to bring the hand close to the armpit.
- Keeping your upper arm stable, extend your right forearm straight back.
- Maintaining the lunge, bend the elbow to return to the start.
- Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
Amazing Ab Flatteners
These exercises target the abs - while toning the hips and hamstrings.
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor (for the moves below, you'll start with your feet raised, knees bent 90 degrees, and your shins parallel to the floor).
Place your hands slightly behind your head, elbows out to the sides. Contract your abs to lift your shoulders off the floor, then lower them.
Keep one foot on the ground during the movements.
Make the exercise more complex:
Do the crunches and leg movements at the same time instead of alternating them.
Ab Flattening Exercise: Alternating Sit-Ups
- From the starting position of the crunches (feet in the air), extend your left leg directly above your hip while keeping your right knee bent.
- Using your abs, lift your hips to pulse your legs up. Lower.
- Keeping your legs still, perform crunches, then lower them to complete 1 rep.
- Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
Ab Flattening Exercise: Windshield Wiper
- From the starting position of the crunch (feet in the air), extend your right arm toward the ceiling.
- Do crunches and lower yourself.
- Bring your right arm between your knees as you perform an upward crunch. Return to the starting position.
- Then, bring your right arm alongside your left leg during the crunch. Return to the starting point to complete one repetition.
- Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
Ab Flattening Exercise: Cowboy Crunch
- From the starting position of the crunch (feet in the air), lower the bent left shin toward the left side about 12 inches to the 10 o'clock position.
- Keeping your legs still, do a crunch and lower yourself down.
- Maintaining knee flexion, tap your left foot on the floor, then lift it again to complete one repetition.
- Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
The best butt toners
These glute exercises target your butt, hips, quads—and tone your obliques and hamstrings. Master the squat and you'll be blasting through these moves in no time!
- Stand with your legs hip-width apart and your feet parallel. (Starting foot position varies depending on directions).
- Bend your knees, keeping them in line with your ankles, and lower your buttocks until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Allow the torso to lean forward to provide counterbalance.
- Press through your heels and straighten your legs to return to the starting point.
Simplify the exercise:
Lower yourself so that your knees are slightly bent but your thighs are not parallel to the floor.
Make the exercise more complex:
Between repetitions, raise your arms twice as fast as you normally do.
Buttocks Exercise: Sumo Twist
- Stand with your legs more than shoulder-width apart, toes turned slightly outward.
- Press the knuckles of your fists together in front of your chest, elbows out to the sides at shoulder height.
- Squat down, then come back up and immediately rotate your torso to the right, lifting your right knee toward your left elbow.
- Return to the starting point.
- Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
Buttocks Exercise: Lateral Hinge
- Stand with your legs more than shoulder-width apart, toes turned slightly outward.
- Place your hands behind your head, elbows out to the sides.
- Squat down; return to standing by lifting left knee toward left elbow.
- Switch sides; repeat. Do 15 reps on each side.
Buttocks Exercise: 360 Degree Kick
- Squat down with your hands in fists near your chest.
- Stand up into a half squat and lift your right knee toward your chest.
- Extend your right leg to kick forward, foot flexed.
- Without touching the floor, bend your knee towards your chest again.
- Kick to the right side. Bring the knee towards the chest.
- Kick your right foot back to complete 1 rep.
- Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
Upper Body Exercises
These upper body exercises target your abs, obliques, back, shoulders, arms — and they work your hamstrings.
The method:
Get into a full push-up position. Start on your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders. Extend your legs straight back, forming a straight line from your heels to your head.
Simplify the exercise:
Keep your knees on the floor in a modified push-up position.
Make the exercise more complex:
Add a leg lift at the end of each rep.
Upper Body Exercise: Double Cross
- From a full push-up, spread your feet apart to start.
- Raise your right leg, cross it over your left leg and tap your right toes on the floor. Return to the starting point.
- Raise your left leg, cross it over your right leg and tap your left toes.
- Return to the starting point to perform one repetition. Do 8 repetitions.
Upper Body Exercise: Plank Twist
- From a full push-up, raise your right arm straight up, rotating your torso to open to the side but keeping your feet in place. (Beginners can place their feet wider apart for better balance.)
- Look up at the hand.
- Hold the position for 2 counts.
- Return to the starting point, switch arms and repeat the exercise to complete 1 repetition.
- Do 8 reps.
Upper Body Exercise: X Reach
- From a full push-up, raise your left arm diagonally to the left to shoulder height.
- Hold for 2 counts; lower.
- Raise your right leg diagonally to the right at hip height. Hold for 2 seconds and lower.
- Repeat with right arm, then left leg to complete rep. Do 8 reps.
Cardio to melt fat
We crunched the numbers from your favorite cardio to show you how to hit what experts call the weight-loss zone: 300 calories burned.
Do three sessions a week (stick to one, mix them up, or choose any other fun activity not mentioned). Not only will you reduce your body fat, but you'll also increase your energy!
Aim for the following strengths when it comes to slimming
Moderate intensity in Kcal | |
Snowshoeing | 35 |
Elliptical bike | 40 |
Exercise bike | 40 |
Aerobics | 43 |
Hiking on flat trails | 47 |
Running/Walking Training | 47 |
Playing with children/animals | 70 |
Walk | 74 |
Cross-country skiing | 31 |
Escalation | 31 |
Spinning | 27 |
Kickboxing | 28 |
Hiking in the hills | 40 |
Jogging | 70 |
Soccer | 35 |
Hiking | 40 |
How the plan worked for our testers
“I lost a dress size.”
"I went from a size 10 to a size 6! The program is totally doable if you're a mom - I did my workouts while my 1-year-old daughter, Anna, worked out on her mat."
- Stéphanie M., 33 years old
"I lost 5 kilos."
"I travel a lot for work, which can make weight loss difficult. But having my weekly workouts and meals planned out has helped me stay on track."
- Francky P. 27 years old
"I lost 15 cm from my waist."
"Taking my measurements was an extra motivation: I lost 15 cm around my waist and I also lost weight on my hips and thighs!"
- Maria 43 years old
If you liked this article and learned how to combine strength and cardio. Leave me in the comments, if you were already aware of these concepts and what is your experience on the subject.
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